Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Mini Apron....

Here I've added the pictures of My mini apron and stand, also another chalkboard, a tile that I painted and letters using my cricut machine and then the oversized shopping list chalkboard. It was a lot of fun.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I have turned into some kind of Monster. Imagine a monster with an apron, kinda just takes the scare right out of things hu? I spent a few hours yesterday cutting up Little girl aprons and accomplished my goal of 15. Oh yea, a friend of mine found the cutest Mini apron patterns that you use to put on a christmas tree or hang above your kitchen window and such. They are soooo cute. I decided to make a stand for one that I designed cause I was in a hurry and wanted to see what it would look like... I will try and take a picture and put it on the blog.

Here is another project. I made these garden plant picks with my computer graphics (PC Crafter). I cut out my wood and stakes, painted them and then just deopaged (sp) them onto the finished wood, and wahla!
Just one more. I am having a hard time adding photos so that I don't have to keep going back and forthe. Help Maria!!!!!!!

Another Kitchen Kloset Chalkboard

Here is the finished project. You can see that I painted a border, I also cut out a board that would fit into the center and had pre-sprayed it with blackboard paint, I added a painted wooden spoon attatched with screws from the back and 2 aluminum extenders and attatched the little chalk holder on the right. The spoon is to hang a dishtowel from. There are hangers on the back.

It's been quite a while since I blogged and added anything to my site. It has been pretty crazy around here. We (some friends of mline) have been hard at work trying to get things done for the Farmer's Market to sell some of our stuff. First we had to qualify through a Jury panel and then wait to be notified if we were admitted or not. What a fiasco! they needed all kinds of photos and information and such just to be juried. Anyway her is a picture of an item that they juried. You will notice that I always like to re-purpose things, henced the old cupboard doors. I bought them at a garage sale a few years back. This first picture is what it looked like before. Following are pictures of the finished project and a few samples of some of the others that I made.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Little Melody, Ontaya and Stan's little baby (5mos.) is facinated by her Great-Grampa. She kept watching and watching him. They were having quite a conversation and it finally ended in a great big slobbery kiss. Taya appears oblivious to it all.

I couldn't help myself. We had pushed furniture around in Trish's front room to make room for air matresses for everyone and all of a sudden my brother Dave comes out with his sleep apnea (sp) gear on his head and starts doing his bird of paradise thing flapping his wings (arms) and sucking in his cheeks and he just cracked us up. He made me promise not to put the video part on You Tube. I don't recall promising so.... anyway we laughed till we... sorry I had to go to the bathroom cause I started laughing again. A side effect from having 7 kids.
Here is a picture of a few of my brothers and sisters and in-laws getting a picture with Pa. I love him soooooo much. He has brought so much joy into our family. He and Mom have been married for quite a while and one of the reasons that I love him so dearly is because he has been so good to MOM. My heart could never say the words of gratitude I have for all that he has done for our family as well as many others in this world. I love you Pa!
I know I am in deep doo-doo with my sister Trisha but I just couldn't help myself. We just found out that Pa has cancer and Mom and Pa were bombarded by family. But even amongst the heartache It seems that a sense of humor will go along way. I am so grateful for family and the strength that we lend to each other especially during hard times. Here we were barbequeing in the dead of cold but with 60 or 70 people in a small area we needed to feed everyone. Anyway Here is Trisha showing off her grilled hamburgers.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am finally getting around to posting some of my aprons. I can't believe how much fun they have been to creat. The crazy pink and black was my very own design and I just love the pleated ruffle. I will post more as I get time. Suggestions are welcom.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Just a few more designs of mine. It is amazing how much joy creating can bring. Sometimes they work and somtimes they don't but when it is all said and done I still had fun!

Well I am finally getting to post some of my crafts that I do. One of my favorite things is to create or repurpose something into something other than what thier purpose was. Well these were just some wood turnings that I bought at a garage sale and my imagination went to work and this is what I came up with. Above is a picure of my "Retro Santa and my Retro snowman."

I can't believe how beautiful it was this winter and the fun that my grandkids and Kid(Kina, 19) were having sliding down our hill. This is a picture of my youngest daughter Kina and grandaughters Jenaya and Kylee trying to squeeze into the picture. Auntie Kina to the rescue!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thanks Maria Gardner

Just a short post to let Maria Gardner know how much I appreciate her helping me get my blog going. Thank you sooooooo much!

Funny but true story

I have to share this one. I had two of my grandsons visiting yesterday and we were on our way back from town when they were having a hard time getting along. The younger grand child Cachie Bear ( nick name) was kind of frustrated with Kiah my older grandson and settled things in a very diplomatic way... A Slug on the arm. Anyway when it was time for them to get out of the van at home Kiah would not allow Cache to get out unless he appologized to him. Cache refused and so peacemaker that I am told Cache that he should probably appologize. With all the feeling of a 4 yr. old he placed both hands at the side of his head sqeezing his cheeks in and said, "Gradma, I can't, my brain is having a mood!". I just lost it and asked if he wanted to wait until his brain was in a better mood. He agreed that that would be a better idea. A little while later his brain was indeed in a better mood and he appologized to Kiah very nicely. Thank God for kids.

Hawiian temple visitors center

I had such a great time in Hawaii. Most of the time spent with grandkids and just enjoying the moments with them. This picture of the water fountain at the Hawiian temple visitors center is just beautiful.

My new grandbaby Randall Lee Beavin

Are'nt they just precious. They don't even have to work at bringing joy into your life. He was a big one and has grown so much in just a month. I had a great time and so enjoyed spending time with Jacob. We got reaquainted with each other as the last time that I had seen him was when he was 4 months old. I just love him to peices.